Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Visit, A Lesson Learnt

Yesterday, 14/11/09, my ex-housemate, clyap (from PJ campus) paid a visit to me and my roommate.

His motive: to have a refreshing breakfast with us...

Tom Yam Claypot Mee at 228 Coffee Shop~~

and his ulterior motive: to visit the UTAR's new blocks.

He's taking Pictures everywhere!

Excluding me, the block G is sure worthy to behold!!

A Closer Look~

i hate to admit, this photo i was damn handsome!!! hoho...

Isn't the Perak Campus a beautiful place?

From his visit, i can see that he's envying us, the Perak campus students for being able to study in such condusive environment. And this makes me realize that we (Perak campus) have always complained that the Kampar is not good, the food sucks and UTAR policy is bad.... Come to think about it, we may have overlooked these beautiful sides of the Perak campus and Kampar or have already been blinded by those drawbacks. So, i hope that those (including me) who always complained can have a new insight and perspective of Perak Campus as well as Kampar this sleepy town! That's my lesson learnt.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Mon DIeu~
    -ugly look~
    -enoough laa.... admit you're handsome.. I think those who view your blog might vomit..
    -ya lo yalo, I hate kampar utar-ian always complaint this and that....
